Sports Shoes (Sneaker) Cleaning Method
Aug. 2021-09-09
- Upper
Remove the shoelaces and throw them into the basin. 2/3 of the basin is filled with water, so that the shoes are soaked with water, then use a neutral cleaning agent, and then start washing the shoes.
- Sole
First, squeeze the neutral cleaning agent on the shoe brush and then brush the sole. You can use a toothpick to pick out the small stones in the glue seam of the sole.
- Wash the upper in the shoe
Brush the soap with a toothbrush, and then brush the net surface, as well as the tongue and the inside.
- Shoelaces
Dip some washing powder on the shoelace from which the shoelace was removed, and rub it again.
- Rinse After repeatedly washing the shoes a few times, rinse the dirty water inside, take out the shoes, squeeze the water from the shoes and the sponge first, and then raise your arms and draw a few backs and forth to throw out a large amount of water.
- Dry
Wrap the upper with toilet paper, and then put the shoes on the balcony to air dry. Hang the shoelaces in another place.
Cleaning Considerations:
- Do not soak for a long time when cleaning to avoid opening the shoes.
- When scrubbing mesh shoes, avoid using a hard brush or applying too much force, and do not use nails or sharp tools to damage the corners of the shoe print.
- After cleaning, it must be dried in a cool place to avoid direct sunlight. It is forbidden to dry by heating or open flame, so as not to cause aging, gluing, fading, and serious deformation of shoes.
- If you need to store for a long time, you should clean the mesh sports shoes first, and store them in a cool and ventilated place after drying, so that the shoes have enough time to dry to avoid mildew.
- When the shoe is idle, it is best to use a paper ball or shoe support to avoid serious deformation.